BMRB Entry 11440
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Chem Shift validation: AVS_full, LACS
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR11440
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Title: Solution structure of Magnesium-bound form of calmodulin C-domain E104D/E140D mutant PubMed: 21312310
Deposition date: 2011-04-27 Original release date: 2011-08-19
Authors: Hirota, Hiroshi
Citation: Ohashi, Wakana; Hirota, Hiroshi; Yamazaki, Toshio. "Solution structure and fluctuation of the Mg(2+) -bound form of calmodulin C-terminal domain." Protein Sci. 20, 690-701 (2011).
Assembly members:
entity, polymer, 72 residues, 8259.024 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: African clawed frog Taxonomy ID: 8355 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Xenopus laevis
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology Host organism: Escherichia coli
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 297 |
15N chemical shifts | 66 |
1H chemical shifts | 468 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | Mg(2+) -bound form of calmodulin C-terminal domain | 1 |
Entity 1, Mg(2+) -bound form of calmodulin C-terminal domain 72 residues - 8259.024 Da.
1 | MET | ASP | THR | ASP | SER | GLU | GLU | GLU | ILE | ARG | ||||
2 | GLU | ALA | PHE | ARG | VAL | PHE | ASP | LYS | ASP | GLY | ||||
3 | ASN | GLY | TYR | ILE | SER | ALA | ALA | ASP | LEU | ARG | ||||
4 | HIS | VAL | MET | THR | ASN | LEU | GLY | GLU | LYS | LEU | ||||
5 | THR | ASP | GLU | GLU | VAL | ASP | GLU | MET | ILE | ARG | ||||
6 | GLU | ALA | ASP | ILE | ASP | GLY | ASP | GLY | GLN | VAL | ||||
7 | ASN | TYR | GLU | ASP | PHE | VAL | GLN | MET | MET | THR | ||||
8 | ALA | LYS |
sample_1: MES, [U-2H], 10 mM; potassium chloride 100 mM; magnesium chloride 100 mM; H2O 90%; D2O 10%
sample_conditions_1: ionic strength: 0.5 M; pH: 6.5; pressure: 1 atm; temperature: 273 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
3D 1H-15N NOESY | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D 1H-13C NOESY | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
2D 1H-15N HSQC | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
2D 1H-13C HSQC | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D CBCA(CO)NH | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D C(CO)NH | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HNCO | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HNCA | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HNCACB | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HBHA(CO)NH | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HN(CO)CA | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HCCH-TOCSY | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D HCCH-COSY | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
3D H(CCO)NH | sample_1 | isotropic | sample_conditions_1 |
CYANA v2.2, Guntert, Mumenthaler and Wuthrich - structure solution
NMRPipe, Delaglio, Grzesiek, Vuister, Zhu, Pfeifer and Bax - processing
xwinnmr, Bruker Biospin - collection
NMRView, Johnson, One Moon Scientific - data analysis
TALOS, Cornilescu, Delaglio and Bax - data analysis
NMR spectrometers:
- Bruker DRX 600 MHz
Related Database Links:
BMRB | 17881 17981 17982 17983 18084 18323 25344 |
PDB | |
DBJ | BAF45809 BAI66111 BAI66112 BAI66113 BAI66114 |
GB | AAH10730 AAO17827 AAQ14324 AAX61134 AAY87961 |
REF | XP_007442524 XP_010190430 XP_011906627 XP_014456117 |
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