BMRB Entry 16950
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Chem Shift validation: AVS_full
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR16950
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Title: The Structure of RNA Internal Loops with Tandem AG Pairs: 5'AAGU/3'UGAA PubMed: 20481618
Deposition date: 2010-05-25 Original release date: 2010-07-02
Authors: Hammond, Nicholas; Kennedy, Scott; Turner, Douglas
Citation: Hammond, Nicholas; Tolbert, Blanton; Kierzek, Ryszard; Turner, Douglas; Kennedy, Scott. "RNA internal loops with tandem AG pairs: the structure of the 5'GAGU/3'UGAG loop can be dramatically different from others, including 5'AAGU/3'UGAA." Biochemistry 49, 5817-5827 (2010).
Assembly members:
RNA_(5'-R(*GP*AP*CP*AP*AP*GP*UP*GP*UP*CP*A)-3'), polymer, 11 residues, 3530.203 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: not available Taxonomy ID: not available Superkingdom: not available Kingdom: not available Genus/species: not available not available
Experimental source: Production method: obtained from a vendor
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 29 |
15N chemical shifts | 4 |
1H chemical shifts | 104 |
31P chemical shifts | 10 |