BMRB Entry 5066
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BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR5066
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Title: 1H and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for the Alpha-domain of Mouse Metallothionein-3 PubMed: 11560491
Deposition date: 2001-07-01 Original release date: 2001-10-17
Authors: Oz, Gulin; Zangger, Klaus; Armitage, Ian
Citation: Oz, Gulin; Zangger, Klaus; Armitage, Ian. "Three-dimensional Structure and Dynamics of a Brain Specific Growth Inhibitory Factor: Metallothionein-3" Biochemistry 40, 11433-11441 (2001).
Assembly members:
Metallothionein-3, polymer, 68 residues, 7009 Da.
CD, non-polymer, 112.411 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: Mouse Taxonomy ID: 10090 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Mus musculus
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology Host organism: Escherichia coli
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
1H chemical shifts | 205 |
15N chemical shifts | 35 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | metallothionein-3 | 1 |
2 | Cadmium (II) ion, I | 2 |
3 | Cadmium (II) ion, II | 2 |
4 | Cadmium (II) ion, III | 2 |
5 | Cadmium (II) ion, IV | 2 |
6 | Cadmium (II) ion, V | 2 |
7 | Cadmium (II) ion, VI | 2 |
8 | Cadmium (II) ion, VII | 2 |
Entity 1, metallothionein-3 68 residues - 7009 Da.
1 | MET | ASP | PRO | GLU | THR | CYS | PRO | CYS | PRO | THR | ||||
2 | GLY | GLY | SER | CYS | THR | CYS | SER | ASP | LYS | CYS | ||||
3 | LYS | CYS | LYS | GLY | CYS | LYS | CYS | THR | ASN | CYS | ||||
4 | LYS | LYS | SER | CYS | CYS | SER | CYS | CYS | PRO | ALA | ||||
5 | GLY | CYS | GLU | LYS | CYS | ALA | LYS | ASP | CYS | VAL | ||||
6 | CYS | LYS | GLY | GLU | GLU | GLY | ALA | LYS | ALA | GLU | ||||
7 | ALA | GLU | LYS | CYS | SER | CYS | CYS | GLN |
Entity 2, Cadmium (II) ion, I - Cd - 112.411 Da.
1 | CD |
sample_1: Metallothionein-3, [U-15N], 1 3 mM; Tris-HCl, [U-98% 2H], 20 mM
Ex-cond_1: pH: 6.5; temperature: 283 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
2D 1H-1H NOESY | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
2D 1H-1H TOCSY | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
2D 1H-15N HSQC | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
3D 1H-1H-15N NOESY | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
3D 1H-1H-15N TOCSY | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
NMRView - peak assignments
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian UnityPlus 800 MHz
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SWISS-PROT | P28184 |
REF | NP_038631 |
PRF | 2102357B |
PIR | I67866 |
GenBank | AAH59725 AAB31397 AAA39529 |
DBJ | BAE24282 |
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