BMRB Entry 5660
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Chem Shift validation: AVS_anomalous, AVS_full
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR5660
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Title: Partial proton resonance assignements for the different conformers of ferricytochrome c produced in 30% acetonitrile and 70% water solution
Deposition date: 2003-01-14 Original release date: 2003-02-25
Authors: Sivakolundu, Sivashankar; Mabrouk, Patricia
Citation: Sivakolundu, Sivashankar; Mabrouk, Patricia. "Insights into the Alkaline Transformation of Ferricyt c from 1H NMR Study in 30% Acetonitrile-Water" Protein Sci. 10, 2291-2300 (2001).
Assembly members:
oxidized cytochrome c, polymer, 104 residues, 12384 Da.
HEM, non-polymer, 616.487 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: Horse Taxonomy ID: 9796 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Equus caballus
Experimental source: Production method: vendor
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
oxidized cytochrome c: GDVEKGKKIFVQKCAQCHTV
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
1H chemical shifts | 39 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | cytochrome c | 1 |
2 | HEME C | 2 |
Entity 1, cytochrome c 104 residues - 12384 Da.
1 | GLY | ASP | VAL | GLU | LYS | GLY | LYS | LYS | ILE | PHE | ||||
2 | VAL | GLN | LYS | CYS | ALA | GLN | CYS | HIS | THR | VAL | ||||
3 | GLU | LYS | GLY | GLY | LYS | HIS | LYS | THR | GLY | PRO | ||||
4 | ASN | LEU | HIS | GLY | LEU | PHE | GLY | ARG | LYS | THR | ||||
5 | GLY | GLN | ALA | PRO | GLY | PHE | THR | TYR | THR | ASP | ||||
6 | ALA | ASN | LYS | ASN | LYS | GLY | ILE | THR | TRP | LYS | ||||
7 | GLU | GLU | THR | LEU | MET | GLU | TYR | LEU | GLU | ASN | ||||
8 | PRO | LYS | LYS | TYR | ILE | PRO | GLY | THR | LYS | MET | ||||
9 | ILE | PHE | ALA | GLY | ILE | LYS | LYS | LYS | THR | GLU | ||||
10 | ARG | GLU | ASP | LEU | ILE | ALA | TYR | LEU | LYS | LYS | ||||
11 | ALA | THR | ASN | GLU |
Entity 2, HEME C - C34 H32 Fe N4 O4 - 616.487 Da.
1 | HEM |
sample_1: oxidized cytochrome c 2 mM; PROTOPORPHYRIN IX CONTAINING FE 2 mM; acetonitrile 30%; H2O 70%
Ex-cond_1: pH*: 7.2; temperature: 293 K
Ex-cond_2: pH*: 7.2; temperature: 313 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
1H NOESY | sample_1 | not available | not available |
FELIX v2000 - spectral processing, spectral analysis
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian Mercury 300 MHz
- home made . 500 MHz
- home made . 600 MHz
Related Database Links:
SWISS-PROT | P68097 P68096 P00004 |
REF | XP_001498872 |
PRF | 610169A |
GenBank | AAB33495 |
PDB | |
BMRB | 948 947 946 944 673 672 665 645 630 5830 5829 5828 5827 546 545 544 543 5372 5026 499 4810 4809 4808 4805 439 438 437 436 4189 336 317 316 286 285 274 244 243 2368 2367 2366 224 220 216 1789 1787 1785 1783 1736 1404 1171 1170 1116 1114 1113 1112 1111 1110 1109 1108 1107 1058 |