BMRB Entry 5914
Chem Shift validation: AVS_full
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR5914
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Title: NMR structure of Methionine-Enkephalin in fast tumbling Bicelles/DMPG PubMed: 14990485
Deposition date: 2003-08-20 Original release date: 2004-03-07
Authors: Marcotte, I.; Separovic, F.; Auger, M.; Gagne, S.
Citation: Marcotte, I.; Separovic, F.; Auger, M.; Gagne, S.. "A Multidimensional 1H NMR Investigation of the Conformation of Methionine-enkephalin in Fast-tumbling Bicelles" Biophys. J. 86, 1587-1600 (2004).
Assembly members:
Met-enkephalin, polymer, 5 residues, Formula weight is not available
Natural source: Common Name: Human Taxonomy ID: 9606 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Homo sapiens
Experimental source: Production method: chemically synthesized
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
Met-enkephalin: YGGFM
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
1H chemical shifts | 27 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | SH2-SH3 adapter protein drk | 1 |
Entity 1, SH2-SH3 adapter protein drk 5 residues - Formula weight is not available
1 | TYR | GLY | GLY | PHE | MET |
sample_1: Met-enkephalin 5.1 uM; (DMPC+DMPG)/DHPC 0.5:1 DMPC/DMPG 9:1 Lipid/peptide 25:1 10 % w/v; H2O 90%; D2O 10%
sample_cond_1: ionic strength: 9 mM; pH: 4.8; pressure: 1 atm; temperature: 295 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
2D NOESY | not available | not available | not available |
g-COSY | not available | not available | not available |
VNMR v6.1C - collection
NMRPipe v2.0 Rev 2001.117.12.48 - processing
NMRView v5.0.4 - data analysis
CNS v1.1 - refinement, structure solution
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian INOVA 600 MHz