BMRB Entry 6122
Chem Shift validation: AVS_full, LACS
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR6122
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Title: 1H/13C/15N assignment of the S1 domain of RNase E of E. coli
Deposition date: 2004-02-27 Original release date: 2004-09-01
Authors: Schubert, Mario; Edge, Robert; Lario, Paula; Cook, Michael; Strynadka, Natalie; Mackie, George; McIntosh, Lawrence
Citation: Schubert, Mario; Edge, Robert; Lario, Paula; Cook, Michael; Strynadka, Natalie; Mackie, George; McIntosh, Lawrence. "Structural Characterization of the RNase E S1 domain and identification of its Oligonucleotide-binding and Dimerization Interfaces" J. Mol. Biol. 341, 37-54 (2004).
Assembly members:
S1 Rnase E, polymer, 96 residues, 10687 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: E. coli Taxonomy ID: 562 Superkingdom: Bacteria Kingdom: not available Genus/species: Escherichia coli
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
1H chemical shifts | 636 |
13C chemical shifts | 389 |
15N chemical shifts | 100 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | S1 Rnase E | 1 |
Entity 1, S1 Rnase E 96 residues - 10687 Da.
1 | GLY | SER | HIS | MET | LEU | GLU | GLN | LYS | LYS | ALA | ||||
2 | ASN | ILE | TYR | LYS | GLY | LYS | ILE | THR | ARG | ILE | ||||
3 | GLU | PRO | SER | LEU | GLU | ALA | ALA | PHE | VAL | ASP | ||||
4 | TYR | GLY | ALA | GLU | ARG | HIS | GLY | PHE | LEU | PRO | ||||
5 | LEU | LYS | GLU | ILE | ALA | ARG | GLU | TYR | PHE | PRO | ||||
6 | ALA | ASN | TYR | SER | ALA | HIS | GLY | ARG | PRO | ASN | ||||
7 | ILE | LYS | ASP | VAL | LEU | ARG | GLU | GLY | GLN | GLU | ||||
8 | VAL | ILE | VAL | GLN | ILE | ASP | LYS | GLU | GLU | ARG | ||||
9 | GLY | ASN | LYS | GLY | ALA | ALA | LEU | THR | THR | PHE | ||||
10 | ILE | SER | LEU | ALA | GLY | SER |
sample_1: S1 Rnase E, [U-13C; U-15N], 1.5 mM
Ex-cond_1: pH: 6.5; temperature: 303 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
HNCACB | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
CBCA(CO)NH | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
HNCO | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
H(CCO)NH-TOCSY | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
C(CO)NH-TOCSY | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
HACAN | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
CBHD | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
CBHE | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
EZ-HMQC-NH2 | sample_1 | not available | Ex-cond_1 |
No software information available
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian Inova 600 MHz
- Varian Unity 500 MHz
Related Database Links:
PDB | |
DBJ | BAA35893 BAB34885 BAG76671 BAH62786 BAI24718 |
EMBL | CAA38206 CAA47818 CAD08310 CAP75576 CAQ31605 |
GB | AAA23443 AAB27352 AAC74168 AAG55830 AAL20115 |
PIR | AC0641 |
REF | NP_287218 NP_309489 NP_415602 NP_455679 NP_460156 |
SP | P21513 |
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