BMRB Entry 6150
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Chem Shift validation: AVS_full, LACS
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR6150
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Title: 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments of the Apo Sm14-M20(C62V) protein from Schistosoma mansoni
Deposition date: 2004-03-18 Original release date: 2004-07-29
Authors: Pertinhez, Thelma; Sforca, Mauricio; Alves, Adriana; Ramos, Celso; Ho, Paulo; Tendler, Miriam; Zanchin, Nilson; Spisni, Alberto
Citation: Pertinhez, Thelma; Sforca, Mauricio; Alves, Adriana; Ramos, Celso; Ho, Paulo; Tendler, Miriam; Zanchin, Nilson; Spisni, Alberto. "Letter to the Editor: 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments of the Apo Sm14-M20(C62V) protein from Schistosoma mansoni" J. Biomol. NMR 29, 553-554 (2004).
Assembly members:
FABP from Schistosoma mansoni, polymer, 133 residues, Formula weight is not available
Natural source: Common Name: Schistosoma mansoni Taxonomy ID: 6183 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Schistosoma mansoni
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
FABP from Schistosoma mansoni: MSSFLGKWKLSESHNFDAVM
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
1H chemical shifts | 779 |
13C chemical shifts | 525 |
15N chemical shifts | 135 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | FABP from Schistosoma mansoni | 1 |
Entity 1, FABP from Schistosoma mansoni 133 residues - Formula weight is not available
1 | MET | SER | SER | PHE | LEU | GLY | LYS | TRP | LYS | LEU | ||||
2 | SER | GLU | SER | HIS | ASN | PHE | ASP | ALA | VAL | MET | ||||
3 | SER | LYS | LEU | GLY | VAL | SER | TRP | ALA | THR | ARG | ||||
4 | GLN | ILE | GLY | ASN | THR | VAL | THR | PRO | THR | VAL | ||||
5 | THR | PHE | THR | MET | ASP | GLY | ASP | LYS | MET | THR | ||||
6 | MET | LEU | THR | GLU | SER | THR | PHE | LYS | ASN | LEU | ||||
7 | SER | VAL | THR | PHE | LYS | PHE | GLY | GLU | GLU | PHE | ||||
8 | ASP | GLU | LYS | THR | SER | ASP | GLY | ARG | ASN | VAL | ||||
9 | LYS | SER | VAL | VAL | GLU | LYS | ASN | SER | GLU | SER | ||||
10 | LYS | LEU | THR | GLN | THR | GLN | VAL | ASP | PRO | LYS | ||||
11 | ASN | THR | THR | VAL | ILE | VAL | ARG | GLU | VAL | ASP | ||||
12 | GLY | ASP | THR | MET | LYS | THR | THR | VAL | THR | VAL | ||||
13 | GLY | ASP | VAL | THR | ALA | ILE | ARG | ASN | TYR | LYS | ||||
14 | ARG | LEU | SER |
sm14_sample: FABP from Schistosoma mansoni, [U-13C; U-15N], 0.7 mM; Na2H2PO4 50 mM
sm14_condition: pH: 6.3; temperature: 293 K; ionic strength: 0.125 M
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
NHSQC | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
CHSQC | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
HNCA | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
HNCOCA | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
HNCACB | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
CBCACONH | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
NOESY NHSQC | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
TOCSY NHSQC | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
HCCHCOSY | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
HCCHTOCSY | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
hCCHTOCSY (ON CARBON) | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
hCCHNOESY (ON CARBON) | sm14_sample | not available | sm14_condition |
NMRpipe v5.0 - semi automated peak assignment
NMRview v5.0 - semi automated peak assignment
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian INOVA 600 MHz
- Varian INOVA 500 MHz
- Bruker . 600 MHz
Related Database Links:
PDB | |
DBJ | BAF62288 |
EMBL | CCD60849 |
GB | AAA63516 AAL15461 AAM18480 AAT39384 KGB36035 |
SP | P29498 |
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