BMRB Entry 6396
Chem Shift validation: AVS_full, LACS
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR6396
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Title: Chemical shift Assignment for mouse Roadblock/LC7 domain BC029172 PubMed: 16289575
Deposition date: 2004-11-22 Original release date: 2007-01-29
Authors: Song, Jikui; Vinarov, Dmitriy; Tyler, Ejan; Shahan, Mark; Loushin Newman, Carrie; Tyler, Robert; Lee, Min; Markley, John
Citation: Song, Jikui; Tyler, Robert; Lee, Min; Tyler, Ejan; Markley, John. "Solution structure of isoform 1 of Roadblock/LC7, a light chain in the dynein complex" J. Mol. Biol. 354, 1043-1051 (2005).
Assembly members:
BC029172, polymer, 104 residues, Formula weight is not available
Natural source: Common Name: house mouse Taxonomy ID: 10090 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Mus musculus
Experimental source: Production method: cell free synthesis
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 399 |
1H chemical shifts | 643 |
15N chemical shifts | 108 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | BC029172 | 1 |
Entity 1, BC029172 104 residues - Formula weight is not available
1 | GLY | HIS | HIS | HIS | HIS | HIS | HIS | LEU | GLU | ALA | ||||
2 | GLU | VAL | GLU | GLU | THR | LEU | LYS | ARG | LEU | GLN | ||||
3 | SER | GLN | LYS | GLY | VAL | GLN | GLY | ILE | ILE | VAL | ||||
4 | VAL | ASN | THR | GLU | GLY | ILE | PRO | ILE | LYS | SER | ||||
5 | THR | MET | ASP | ASN | PRO | THR | THR | THR | GLN | TYR | ||||
6 | ALA | ASN | LEU | MET | HIS | ASN | PHE | ILE | LEU | LYS | ||||
7 | ALA | ARG | SER | THR | VAL | ARG | GLU | ILE | ASP | PRO | ||||
8 | GLN | ASN | ASP | LEU | THR | PHE | LEU | ARG | ILE | ARG | ||||
9 | SER | LYS | LYS | ASN | GLU | ILE | MET | VAL | ALA | PRO | ||||
10 | ASP | LYS | ASP | TYR | PHE | LEU | ILE | VAL | ILE | GLN | ||||
11 | ASN | PRO | THR | GLU |
sample_1: BC029172, [U-15N; U-13C], 1 mM; Sodium Chloride 100 mM; Sodium Acetate 10 mM
conditions_1: pH: 5.0; temperature: 298 K; pressure: 1 atm
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
3D 15N-NOESY | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
3D 13C-NOESY | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
No software information available
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian Inova 600 MHz
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PDB | |
DBJ | BAB22038 BAB22788 BAB25768 BAE38944 |
GB | AAC25580 AAH58437 AAH99423 AAI02139 AAI25611 |
REF | NP_001029614 NP_001177109 NP_001239348 NP_001278037 NP_080223 |
SP | P62627 P62628 Q3T140 |
TPG | DAA23215 |
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