BMRB Entry 6656
Chem Shift validation: AVS_full
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR6656
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Title: On the Importance of Carbohydrate-Aromatic Interactions for the Molecular Recognition of Chitooligosaccharides by Hevein Domains. NMR Studies of the Structure and Binding Affinity of AcAMP2-Like Peptides with non Natural Napthyl and Fluoroaromatic Residues PubMed: 16220560
Deposition date: 2005-06-06 Original release date: 2005-12-22
Authors: Chavez, M.; Andreu, Cecilia; Vidal, Paloma; Freire, Felix; Aboitiz, Nuria; Groves, Patrick; Asensio, Juan; Asensio, Gregorio; Muraki, Michiro; Canada, F.; Jimenez-Barbero, Jesus
Citation: Chavez, M.; Andreu, Cecilia; Vidal, Paloma; Aboitiz, Nuria; Freire, Felix; Groves, Patrick; Asensio, Juan; Asensio, Gregorio; Muraki, Michiro; Canada, F.; Jimenez-Barbero, Jesus. "On the Importance of Carbohydrate-Aromatic Interactions for the Molecular Recognition of Chitooligosaccharides by Hevein Domains. NMR Studies of the Structure and Binding Affinity of AcAMP2-Like Peptides with non Natural Napthyl and Fluoroaromatic Residues" Chem. Eur. J. 11, 7060-7074 (2005).
Assembly members:
AcAMP2, polymer, 30 residues, 3209 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: inca wheat Taxonomy ID: 3567 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Viridiplantae Genus/species: Amaranthus caudatus
Experimental source: Production method: chemical synthesis
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
1H chemical shifts | 142 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | AcAMP2F18Pff/F20Pfff | 1 |
Entity 1, AcAMP2F18Pff/F20Pfff 30 residues - 3209 Da.
1 | VAL | GLY | GLU | CYS | VAL | ARG | GLY | ARG | CYS | PRO | |
2 | SER | GLY | MET | CYS | CYS | SER | GLN | PFF | GLY | PFF | |
3 | CYS | GLY | LYS | GLY | PRO | LYS | TYR | CYS | GLY | ARG |
sample-1: AcAMP2 2.0 mM; H2O 90%; D2O 10%
conditions-1: ionic strength: 0.15 M; pH: 5.6; temperature: 298 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
TOCSY | sample-1 | not available | conditions-1 |
NOESY | sample-1 | not available | conditions-1 |
xwinnmr v3.2 - Data collection
XEASY v1.3.13 - Data analysis
DYANA v1.5 - Structure solution
AMBER v5.0 - Structure refinement
NMR spectrometers:
- Bruker AMX 500 MHz