BMRB Entry 6803
Chem Shift validation: AVS_anomalous, AVS_full, LACS
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR6803
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Title: 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for the periplasmic signaling domain of FecA from Escherichia coli PubMed: 16313612
Deposition date: 2005-08-31 Original release date: 2005-12-22
Authors: Garcia-Herrero, Alicia; Vogel, Hans
Citation: Garcia-Herrero, Alicia; Vogel, Hans. "Nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure of the periplasmic signalling domain of the TonB-dependent outer membrane transporter FecA from Escherichia coli" Mol. Microbiol. 58, 1226-1237 (2005).
Assembly members:
NTFecA, polymer, 104 residues, 11138 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: Escherichia coli Taxonomy ID: 562 Superkingdom: Eubacteria Kingdom: Not applicable Genus/species: Escherichia coli
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 381 |
15N chemical shifts | 107 |
1H chemical shifts | 672 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | NTFecA | 1 |
Entity 1, NTFecA 104 residues - 11138 Da.
The polypeptide construct contains two extra residues (LE) and a His6tag at the N-terminal end
1 | ALA | GLN | VAL | ASN | ILE | ALA | PRO | GLY | SER | LEU | ||||
2 | ASP | LYS | ALA | LEU | ASN | GLN | TYR | ALA | ALA | HIS | ||||
3 | SER | GLY | PHE | THR | LEU | SER | VAL | ASP | ALA | SER | ||||
4 | LEU | THR | ARG | GLY | LYS | GLN | SER | ASN | GLY | LEU | ||||
5 | HIS | GLY | ASP | TYR | ASP | VAL | GLU | SER | GLY | LEU | ||||
6 | GLN | GLN | LEU | LEU | ASP | GLY | SER | GLY | LEU | GLN | ||||
7 | VAL | LYS | PRO | LEU | GLY | ASN | ASN | SER | TRP | THR | ||||
8 | LEU | GLU | PRO | ALA | PRO | ALA | PRO | LYS | GLU | ASP | ||||
9 | ALA | LEU | THR | VAL | VAL | GLY | ASP | TRP | LEU | GLY | ||||
10 | ASP | ALA | ARG | GLU | ASN | ASP | LEU | GLU | HIS | HIS | ||||
11 | HIS | HIS | HIS | HIS |
sample_1: NTFecA, [U-15N], 1 mM; Sodium phosphate 50 mM
sample_2: NTFecA, [U-15N; U-13C], 1 mM; Sodium Phosphate 50 mM
conditions_1: pH: 6; temperature: 298 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
1D Proton | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
2D Proton-Proton NOESY (D2O) | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
2D 1H-15N HSQC | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HNCO | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HN(CA)CO | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
CBCA(CO)NH | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
CBCANH | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HCCH-TOCSY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
CCCONH-TOCSY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HBHA(CO)NH | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HCCCONH-TOCSY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
3D 13C separated NOESY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
3D 15N separated NOESY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
Steady State 15N Heteronuclear noe | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
T2 15N | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
T2 15N | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
No software information available
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PDB | |
DBJ | BAE78282 BAI28590 BAJ46002 |
EMBL | CAQ34637 CAR06012 CAR11109 CAR15972 CAR20866 |
GB | AAA23760 AAA23768 AAA97187 AAC77247 AAL08456 |
REF | NP_418711 WP_000188246 WP_000188247 WP_000188248 WP_000188249 |
SP | P13036 |
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