BMRB Entry 7322
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Validation report in NRG-CING
Chem Shift validation: AVS_full, LACS
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR7322
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Title: Chemical Shift Assignments for calcium-free rat beta-parvalbumin PubMed: 17766386
Deposition date: 2006-10-23 Original release date: 2007-10-09
Authors: Henzl, Michael; Tanner, John
Citation: Henzl, Michael; Tanner, John. "Solution structure of Ca2+-free rat beta-parvalbumin (oncomodulin)." Protein Sci. 16, 1914-1926 (2007).
Assembly members:
oncomodulin, polymer, 108 residues, Formula weight is not available
Natural source: Common Name: Rat Taxonomy ID: 100116 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Rattus norvegicus
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 445 |
15N chemical shifts | 118 |
1H chemical shifts | 724 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | apo-oncomodulin | 1 |
Entity 1, apo-oncomodulin 108 residues - Formula weight is not available
1 | SER | ILE | THR | ASP | ILE | LEU | SER | ALA | GLU | ASP | ||||
2 | ILE | ALA | ALA | ALA | LEU | GLN | GLU | CYS | GLN | ASP | ||||
3 | PRO | ASP | THR | PHE | GLU | PRO | GLN | LYS | PHE | PHE | ||||
4 | GLN | THR | SER | GLY | LEU | SER | LYS | MET | SER | ALA | ||||
5 | SER | GLN | VAL | LYS | ASP | ILE | PHE | ARG | PHE | ILE | ||||
6 | ASP | ASN | ASP | GLN | SER | GLY | TYR | LEU | ASP | GLY | ||||
7 | ASP | GLU | LEU | LYS | TYR | PHE | LEU | GLN | LYS | PHE | ||||
8 | GLN | SER | ASP | ALA | ARG | GLU | LEU | THR | GLU | SER | ||||
9 | GLU | THR | LYS | SER | LEU | MET | ASP | ALA | ALA | ASP | ||||
10 | ASN | ASP | GLY | ASP | GLY | LYS | ILE | GLY | ALA | ASP | ||||
11 | GLU | PHE | GLN | GLU | MET | VAL | HIS | SER |
sample_1: oncomodulin, [U-95% 13C; U-95% 15N], 4 ± 0.2 mM; sodium chloride 150 ± 1 mM; Mes 10 ± 0.1 mM; EDTA 5 ± 0.1 mM; deuterium oxide 10 ± 1 per cent
sample_2: oncomodulin, [U-95% 15N], 4 ± 0.2 mM; sodium chloride 150 ± 1 mM; Mes 10 ± 0.1 mM; deuterium oxide 10 ± 1 per cent; EDTA 5 ± 0.1 mM
conditions_1: ionic strength: 170 mM; pH: 6.0; temperature: 293 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
1H15N_HSQC | sample_2 | not available | conditions_1 |
HNCO | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
HN(CA)CO | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
HNCA | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
HN(CO)CA | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
CBCACONH | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
HNCACB | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
CCONH | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
HCCONH | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
HCCH-TOCSY | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
HBHACONH | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
1H15N_TOCSY_HSQC | sample_2 | not available | conditions_1 |
HBCBCGCDHD | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
HBCBCGCDCEHE | sample_1 | not available | conditions_1 |
No software information available
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian Inova 600 MHz
Related Database Links:
PDB | |
EMBL | CAA33840 |
GB | AAA41756 EDL89641 EDL89642 |
REF | NP_037127 XP_006248914 |
SP | P02631 |
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