BMRB Entry 7205
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Validation report in NRG-CING
Chem Shift validation: AVS_full
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR7205
MolProbity Validation Chart
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Title: 1H, 13C, and 15N Chemical Shift Assignments for Transmembrane Segment of ErbB4 PubMed: 18178548
Deposition date: 2006-07-03 Original release date: 2007-01-09
Authors: Mineev, Konstantin; Bocharov, Eduard; Maslennikov, Innokenty; Goncharuk, Marina; Arseniev, Alexander
Citation: Bocharov, Eduard; Mineev, Konstantin; Volynsky, Pavel; Ermolyuk, Y.; Tkach, E.; Sobol, A.; Chupin, V.; Kirpichnikov, M.; Efremov, R.; Arseniev, Alexander. "Spatial structure of the dimeric transmembrane domain of the growth factor receptor ErbB2 presumably corresponding to the receptor active state" J. Biol. Chem. 283, 6950-6956 (2008).
Assembly members:
ErbB4 TM, polymer, 44 residues, 4760 Da.
Natural source: Common Name: Human Taxonomy ID: 9606 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Homo spaiens
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
- assigned_chemical_shifts
- coupling_constants
- heteronucl_T1_relaxation
- heteronucl_T2_relaxation
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 179 |
15N chemical shifts | 40 |
1H chemical shifts | 316 |
coupling constants | 37 |
T1 relaxation values | 36 |
T2 relaxation values | 34 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | ErbB4 TM, chain 1 | 1 |
2 | ErbB4 TM, chain 2 | 2 |
Entity 1, ErbB4 TM, chain 1 44 residues - 4760 Da.
1 | SER | THR | LEU | PRO | GLN | HIS | ALA | ARG | THR | PRO | ||||
2 | LEU | ILE | ALA | ALA | GLY | VAL | ILE | GLY | GLY | LEU | ||||
3 | PHE | ILE | LEU | VAL | ILE | VAL | GLY | LEU | THR | PHE | ||||
4 | ALA | VAL | TYR | VAL | ARG | ARG | LYS | SER | ILE | LYS | ||||
5 | LYS | LYS | ARG | ALA |
Entity 2, ErbB4 TM, chain 2 44 residues - 4760 Da.
1 | SER | THR | LEU | PRO | GLN | HIS | ALA | ARG | THR | PRO | ||||
2 | LEU | ILE | ALA | ALA | GLY | VAL | ILE | GLY | GLY | LEU | ||||
3 | PHE | ILE | LEU | VAL | ILE | VAL | GLY | LEU | THR | PHE | ||||
4 | ALA | VAL | TYR | VAL | ARG | ARG | LYS | SER | ILE | LYS | ||||
5 | LYS | LYS | ARG | ALA |
sample_1: ErbB4 TM, [U-15N], 2.4 ± 0.3 mM; DMPC, [U-2H], 19 ± 1 mM; DHPC, [U-2H], 77 ± 1 mM
sample_2: ErbB4 TM, [U-15N; U-13C], 2.4 ± 0.3 mM; DMPC, [U-2H], 19 ± 1 mM; DHPC, [U-2H], 77 ± 1 mM
sample_3: ErbB4 TM, [U-15N; U-13C], 0.6 ± 0.3 mM; DMPC, [U-2H], 19 ± 1 mM; DHPC, [U-2H], 77 ± 1 mM; ErbB4 TM, none, 0.6 ± 0.3 mM
conditions_1: pH: 5.0; temperature: 313 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
1H15N HSQC | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
1H13C HSQC | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HCcH-TOCSY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
3D 13C-ali NOESY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
3D 15N-NOESY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
3D 15N-TOCSY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HNCA | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HN(CO)CA | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HNCO | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HNHA | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
HNHB | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
2D NC-chirp-NOESY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
3D C-chirp-NOESY | not available | not available | conditions_1 |
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian Unity 600 MHz
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