BMRB Entry 7223
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Chem Shift validation: AVS_full, LACS
BMRB Entry DOI: doi:10.13018/BMR7223
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Title: Solution NMR structure of the C-terminal domain of the interferon alpha-inducible ISG15 protein from Homo sapiens. Northeast Structural Genomics target HR2873B
Deposition date: 2006-07-14 Original release date: 2009-05-28
Authors: Aramini, J.; Ho, C.; Yin, C.; Cunningham, K.; Janjua, H.; Ma, L.-C.; Xiao, R.; Acton, T.; Montelione, G.
Citation: Aramini, J.; Ho, C.; Yin, C.; Cunningham, K.; Janjua, H.; Li, M.-C.; Xiao, R.; Acton, T.; Montelione, G.. "Solution NMR structure of the C-terminal domain of the interferon alpha-inducible ISG15 protein from Homo sapiens. Northeast Structural Genomics target HR2873B." . ., .-..
Assembly members:
Interferon-induced 17 kDa protein, polymer, 88 residues, Formula weight is not available
Natural source: Common Name: Human Taxonomy ID: 9606 Superkingdom: Eukaryota Kingdom: Metazoa Genus/species: Homo sapiens
Experimental source: Production method: recombinant technology
Entity Sequences (FASTA):
Interferon-induced 17 kDa protein: MDEPLSILVRNNKGRSSTYE
- assigned_chemical_shifts
- coupling_constants
Data type | Count |
13C chemical shifts | 375 |
15N chemical shifts | 86 |
1H chemical shifts | 605 |
coupling constants | 57 |
Additional metadata:
Entity Assembly ID | Entity Name | Entity ID |
1 | Interferon-induced 17 kDa protein | 1 |
Entity 1, Interferon-induced 17 kDa protein 88 residues - Formula weight is not available
1 | MET | ASP | GLU | PRO | LEU | SER | ILE | LEU | VAL | ARG | ||||
2 | ASN | ASN | LYS | GLY | ARG | SER | SER | THR | TYR | GLU | ||||
3 | VAL | ARG | LEU | THR | GLN | THR | VAL | ALA | HIS | LEU | ||||
4 | LYS | GLN | GLN | VAL | SER | GLY | LEU | GLU | GLY | VAL | ||||
5 | GLN | ASP | ASP | LEU | PHE | TRP | LEU | THR | PHE | GLU | ||||
6 | GLY | LYS | PRO | LEU | GLU | ASP | GLN | LEU | PRO | LEU | ||||
7 | GLY | GLU | TYR | GLY | LEU | LYS | PRO | LEU | SER | THR | ||||
8 | VAL | PHE | MET | ASN | LEU | ARG | LEU | ARG | GLY | GLY | ||||
9 | LEU | GLU | HIS | HIS | HIS | HIS | HIS | HIS |
sample_1: Interferon-induced 17 kDa protein, [U-13C; U-15N], 0.81 mM; ammonium citrate 50 mM; CaCl2 5 mM; NaN3 0.02%; D2O 5%; H2O 95%
sample_2: Interferon-induced 17 kDa protein, [U-5% 13C; U-15N], 0.9 mM; ammonium citrate 50 mM; CaCl2 5 mM; NaN3 0.02%; D2O 5%; H2O 95%
sample_cond_1: ionic strength: 50 mM; pH: 6.5; pressure: 1 atm; temperature: 293 K
Name | Sample | Sample state | Sample conditions |
3D 15N-separated NOESY | not available | not available | not available |
3D 13C-separated NOESY | not available | not available | not available |
HNHA | not available | not available | not available |
high resolution 2D CH-HSQC (for stereospecific assignment of Val/Leu methyls) | not available | not available | not available |
2D 15N 1H heteronuclear NOE | not available | not available | not available |
3D TR backbone expts | not available | not available | not available |
3D HCCH-COSY | not available | not available | not available |
3D HCCH-TOCSYs | not available | not available | not available |
xwinnmr v3.5pl6 - collection
VNMR v6.1C - collection
AutoAssign v2.2.1 - data analysis
SPARKY v3.110 - data analysis
AutoStruct v2.1.1 - refinement
X-PLOR NIH v2.11.2 - refinement
NMRPipe v2.3 - processing
PDBStat v4.1 - data analysis
PSVS v1.3 - data analysis
CNS v1.1 - refinement
NMR spectrometers:
- Varian INOVA 600 MHz
Related Database Links:
BMRB | 5658 |
PDB | |
DBJ | BAJ20347 |
GB | AAA36038 AAA36128 AAH09507 AAN86983 AAP35961 |
REF | NP_005092 XP_003806031 XP_004024480 XP_009452953 XP_520842 |
SP | P05161 |
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