Index of /ftp/pub/bmrb/entry_directories/bmr6011/timedomain/timedomain_data/diffusion
1 - C/N 22580, 25C
2 - D2O sample, same conditions as 1
Need to have dsFit1D.tcl and dsView.tcl scripts in the processed data dir.
Edit dsFit1D.tcl (adapt for your exp. setup):
set delay 0.08
set pfg 0.005
set gmax 60
set gstart 5
In DOSY Viewer 2D window drag (left mouse button) the vertical yellow line (hard to see initially because it lies beneath the strong water signal) to alipahtic or amide region.
In DOSY Viewer 1D use Left/middle to scale/offset the 1D trace.
Click on Export to get the diffusion ct. fit and value.