define( {* selection of atoms other than hydrogens for which coordinates will be generated *} {* to generate coordinates for all unknown atoms use: (not(known)) *} {===>} atom_build=(not(known)); {============================= output files ================================} {* input coordinate file *} {===>} coordinate_infile="1xxx_9.pdb"; {* output coordinate file *} {===>} coordinate_outfile="1xxx_9_cns.pdb"; ) checkversion 1.1 evaluate ($log_level=verbose) evaluate ($par_nonbonded="PROLSQ") !@generateProtonsJFD.inp {===========================================================================} { things below this line do not need to be changed } {===========================================================================} remarks changed Tue Sep 2 09:48:07 CDT 2003 remarks by jfd to include a fes residue !@generate_tmoc.inp topology reset end structure reset end topology {===>} end ! no chain id. segment name=" " chain @TOPPAR:topallhdg5.3.pep sequence @1xxx.seq end end end ! removes the hydrogen on the cys-en ! and changes the atom type from SH1E to S. patch DISN reference=1=( resid 50 ) reference=2=( resid 53 ) end ! turn peptide from trans to cis patch CISP reference=nil=( resid 92 ) end coor @&coordinate_infile parameter end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start of atom generation. show sum(1) ( not(hydrogen) and not(known) ) if ( $select = 0 ) then display %INFO: There are no coordinates missing for non-hydrogen atoms end if set echo=on end if ( $log_level = verbose ) then set message=normal echo=on end else set message=off echo=off end end if identity (store1) (none) identity (store1) (&atom_build) identity (store1) (store1 or hydrogen) show sum(1) (store1) evaluate ($tobuild=$result) !evaluate ($tobuild=0) if ( $tobuild > 0 ) then fix selection=(not(store1)) end show sum(1) (store1) evaluate ($moving=$result) if ( $moving > 0 ) then for $id in id (tag and byres(store1)) loop avco show ave(x) (byres(id $id) and known) evaluate ($ave_x=$result) show ave(y) (byres(id $id) and known) evaluate ($ave_y=$result) show ave(z) (byres(id $id) and known) evaluate ($ave_z=$result) do (x=$ave_x) (byres(id $id) and store1) do (y=$ave_y) (byres(id $id) and store1) do (z=$ave_z) (byres(id $id) and store1) end loop avco do (x=x+random(2.0)) (store1) do (y=y+random(2.0)) (store1) do (z=z+random(2.0)) (store1) {- start parameter for the side chain building -} parameter nbonds rcon=20. nbxmod=-2 repel=0.9 wmin=0.1 tolerance=1. rexp=2 irexp=2 inhibit=0.25 end end {- Friction coefficient, in 1/ps. -} do (fbeta=100) (store1) evaluate ($bath=300.0) evaluate ($nstep=500) evaluate ($timestep=0.0005) do (refy=mass) (store1) do (mass=20) (store1) igroup interaction (store1) (store1 or known) end {- turn on initial energy terms -} flags exclude * include bond angle vdw end minimize powell nstep=50 nprint=10 end do (vx=maxwell($bath)) (store1) do (vy=maxwell($bath)) (store1) do (vz=maxwell($bath)) (store1) flags exclude vdw include impr end dynamics cartesian nstep=50 timestep=$timestep tcoupling=true temperature=$bath nprint=$nstep cmremove=false end flags include vdw end minimize powell nstep=50 nprint=10 end do (vx=maxwell($bath)) (store1) do (vy=maxwell($bath)) (store1) do (vz=maxwell($bath)) (store1) dynamics cartesian nstep=50 timestep=$timestep tcoupling=true temperature=$bath nprint=$nstep cmremove=false end parameter nbonds rcon=2. nbxmod=-3 repel=0.75 end end minimize powell nstep=100 nprint=25 end do (vx=maxwell($bath)) (store1) do (vy=maxwell($bath)) (store1) do (vz=maxwell($bath)) (store1) dynamics cartesian nstep=$nstep timestep=$timestep tcoupling=true temperature=$bath nprint=$nstep cmremove=false end {- turn on all energy terms -} flags include dihe ? end {- set repel to ~vdw radii -} parameter nbonds repel=0.89 end end minimize powell nstep=500 nprint=50 end flags exclude * include bond angl impr dihe vdw end {- return masses to something sensible -} do (mass=refy) (store1) do (vx=maxwell($bath)) (store1) do (vy=maxwell($bath)) (store1) do (vz=maxwell($bath)) (store1) dynamics cartesian nstep=$nstep timestep=$timestep tcoupling=true temperature=$bath nprint=$nstep cmremove=false end {- some final minimisation -} minimize powell nstep=500 drop=40.0 nprint=50 end print thres=0.02 bonds print thres=5. angles end if fix selection=( none ) end end if set echo=false end show sum(1) (not(known)) if ( $result < 100 ) then for $id in id (not(known)) loop print show (segid) (id $id) evaluate ($segid=$result) show (resname) (id $id) evaluate ($resname=$result) show (resid) (id $id) evaluate ($resid=$result) show (name) (id $id) evaluate ($name=$result) buffer message display unknown coordinates for atom: $segid[a4] $resname[a4] $resid[a4] $name[a4] end end loop print else buffer message display unknown coordinates for more than 100 atoms end end if set echo=true end if (&set_bfactor=true) then do (b=&bfactor) ( all ) else show ave(b) (known and not(store1)) do (b=$result) (store1 and (attr b < 0.01)) end if if (&set_occupancy=true) then do (q=&occupancy) ( all ) end if set echo=false end show sum(1) (store1) if ( $result < 100 ) then for $id in id (store1) loop print show (segid) (id $id) evaluate ($segid=$result) show (resname) (id $id) evaluate ($resname=$result) show (resid) (id $id) evaluate ($resid=$result) show (name) (id $id) evaluate ($name=$result) buffer message display coordinates built for atom: $segid[a4] $resname[a4] $resid[a4] $name[a4] end end loop print else buffer message display coordinates built for more than 100 hundred atoms end end if set echo=true end set remarks=reset end buffer message to=remarks dump end write coordinates output=&coordinate_outfile end stop