Index of /ftp/pub/bmrb/entry_directories/bmr6341/timedomain/timedomain_data
The directory cotains the following experiment:
C13HSQC (both in aliphatic and aromatic regions), 3D C13 edited NOESY, 3D C13 edited NOESY in aromatic region,
at3g04780_hnca.fid 3D HNCA, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_hncacb.fid 3D HNCACB, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_cbcaconh.fid 3D CBCACONH, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_cconh.fid 3D CCONH, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_hcconh.fid 3D HCCONH, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_hbaconh.fid 3D HBACONH, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_hbcbcgcdhd.fid 2D(HB)CB(CGCD)HD, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_hbhe.fid 2D(HB)CB(CGCDHD)HE, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_hsqc.fid 2D 1H,15N HSQC, for resonance assignemnt
at3g04780_C13hsqc.fid 2D 1H,13C HSQC, for resonance assignment
at3g04780_n15noe.fid 3D 15N edited NOESY, for structural calcuation
at3g04780_c13noe.fid 3D 13N edited NOESY, for structural calcuation
at3g04780_hnco 3D HNCO, for talos constraints. The HNCO was collected in Bruker Spectrometer
at3g04780_hcchtocsy.fid 3D HCCH-TOCSY, for resonance assignment
Deposition ID:
Jikui Song