Index of /ftp/pub/bmrb/relational_tables
NMR-STAR 2.1 database files are obsolete and should not be used.
NMR-STAR 3.1 files (both macromolecule and metabolomics) work on
PostgreSQL 8.4 or newer.
1 .Create a postgres database and run schema.sql to create tables:
psql ... -f schema.sql
2. Each CSV file is a dump of a corresp. database table named Table_name.csv.
NOTE that table names are case-sensitive and need to be neclosed in double quotes.
Where there are sub-schemas, the files are named schema_name.table_name.csv.
these typically contain derived/auxiliary data. Primary database can be used
without loading those tables.
For each file Table_name.csv run
psql ... -c '\\copy "Table_name" from Table_name.csv csv header
For files named schema.table.csv run
psql ... -c '\\copy schema."Table" from schema.table.csv csv header
This should result in a complete copy of the BMRB relational database.
Information on the BMRB schema is at
NMR-STAR "tag categories" are relational database tables, "tag names"
(part after the dot) are table columns.