label list: line no. pc label 186 0xffffffff 1 190 0xffffffff 2 191 0xffffffff LBLSTS1 192 0xffffffff LBLF1 195 0xffffffff 3 pulse program: "/opt/topspin2.1/data/pr/nmr/SyR11_NC5_032408/3/pulseprogram" ================ dur0 == line 0 fixdel(1000.000000 usec) setNmr1: 0x10000 'hmqcf3phpr': line 1--->;hmqcf3phpr 'hmqcf3phpr': line 2--->;avance-version (07/04/04) 'hmqcf3phpr': line 3--->;HMQC 'hmqcf3phpr': line 4--->;2D correlation via zero and double quantum coherence 'hmqcf3phpr': line 5--->;phase sensitive 'hmqcf3phpr': line 6--->;with decoupling during acquisition 'hmqcf3phpr': line 7--->;using f3 - channel 'hmqcf3phpr': line 8--->; 'hmqcf3phpr': line 9--->;A. Bax, R.H. Griffey & B.L. Hawkins, J. Magn. Reson. 55, 301 (1983) 'hmqcf3phpr': line 10--->; 'hmqcf3phpr': line 11--->;$CLASS=HighRes 'hmqcf3phpr': line 12--->;$DIM=2D 'hmqcf3phpr': line 13--->;$TYPE= 'hmqcf3phpr': line 14--->;$SUBTYPE= 'hmqcf3phpr': line 15--->;$COMMENT= 'hmqcf3phpr': line 16---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 17---> 'Avance.incl': line 1--->;Avance2.incl 'Avance.incl': line 2--->; for 1 'Avance.incl': line 3--->; 'Avance.incl': line 4--->;avance-version (07/08/21) 'Avance.incl': line 5--->; 'Avance.incl': line 6--->;$CLASS=HighRes Incl 'Avance.incl': line 7--->;$COMMENT= 'Avance.incl': line 8---> 'Avance.incl': line 9---> 'Avance.incl': line 10---> 'Avance.incl': line 11---> 'Avance.incl': line 12---> 'Avance.incl': line 13---> 'Avance.incl': line 14---> 'Avance.incl': line 15---> 'Avance.incl': line 16---> 'Avance.incl': line 17---> 'Avance.incl': line 18---> 'Avance.incl': line 19---> 'Avance.incl': line 20---> 'Avance.incl': line 21---> 'Avance.incl': line 22---> 'Avance.incl': line 23---> 'Avance.incl': line 24---> 'Avance.incl': line 25---> 'Avance.incl': line 26---> 'Avance.incl': line 27---> 'Avance.incl': line 28---> 'Avance.incl': line 29---> 'Avance.incl': line 30---> 'Avance.incl': line 31---> 'Avance.incl': line 32---> 'Avance.incl': line 33---> 'Avance.incl': line 34---> 'Avance.incl': line 35---> 'Avance.incl': line 36---> 'Avance.incl': line 37---> 'Avance.incl': line 38---> 'Avance.incl': line 39---> 'Avance.incl': line 40---> 'Avance.incl': line 41---> 'Avance.incl': line 42---> 'Avance.incl': line 43---> 'Avance.incl': line 44---> 'Avance.incl': line 45---> 'Avance.incl': line 46---> 'Avance.incl': line 47---> 'Avance.incl': line 48---> 'Avance.incl': line 49---> 'Avance.incl': line 50---> 'Avance.incl': line 51---> 'Avance.incl': line 52---> 'Avance.incl': line 53---> 'Avance.incl': line 54---> 'Avance.incl': line 55---> 'Avance.incl': line 56---> 'Avance.incl': line 57---> 'Avance.incl': line 58---> 'Avance.incl': line 59---> 'Avance.incl': line 60---> 'Avance.incl': line 61---> 'Avance.incl': line 62---> 'Avance.incl': line 63---> 'Avance.incl': line 64---> 'Avance.incl': line 65---> 'Avance.incl': line 66---> 'Avance.incl': line 67---> 'Avance.incl': line 68---> 'Avance.incl': line 69---> 'Avance.incl': line 70---> 'Avance.incl': line 71---> 'Avance.incl': line 72---> 'Avance.incl': line 73---> 'Avance.incl': line 74---> 'Avance.incl': line 75---> 'Avance.incl': line 76---> 'Avance.incl': line 77---> 'Avance.incl': line 78---> 'Avance.incl': line 79---> 'Avance.incl': line 80---> 'Avance.incl': line 81---> 'Avance.incl': line 82---> 'Avance.incl': line 83---> 'Avance.incl': line 84---> 'Avance.incl': line 85---> 'Avance.incl': line 86---> 'Avance.incl': line 87---> 'Avance.incl': line 88---> 'Avance.incl': line 89---> 'Avance.incl': line 90---> 'Avance.incl': line 91---> 'Avance.incl': line 92---> 'Avance.incl': line 93---> 'Avance.incl': line 94---> 'Avance.incl': line 95---> 'Avance.incl': line 96---> 'Avance.incl': line 97---> 'Avance.incl': line 98---> 'Avance.incl': line 99---> 'Avance.incl': line 100---> 'Avance.incl': line 101---> 'Avance.incl': line 102---> 'Avance.incl': line 103---> 'Avance.incl': line 104---> 'Avance.incl': line 105---> 'Avance.incl': line 106---> 'Avance.incl': line 107---> 'Avance.incl': line 108---> 'Avance.incl': line 109---> 'Avance.incl': line 110---> 'Avance.incl': line 111---> 'Avance.incl': line 112---> 'Avance.incl': line 113---> 'Avance.incl': line 114---> 'Avance.incl': line 115---> 'Avance.incl': line 116---> 'Avance.incl': line 117---> 'Avance.incl': line 118---> 'Avance.incl': line 119---> 'Avance.incl': line 120---> 'Avance.incl': line 121---> 'Avance.incl': line 122---> 'Avance.incl': line 123---> 'Avance.incl': line 124---> 'Avance.incl': line 125---> 'Avance.incl': line 126---> 'Avance.incl': line 127---> 'Avance.incl': line 128---> 'Avance.incl': line 129---> 'Avance.incl': line 130---> 'Avance.incl': line 131---> 'Avance.incl': line 132---> 'Avance.incl': line 133---> 'Avance.incl': line 134---> 'Avance.incl': line 135---> 'Avance.incl': line 136---> 'Avance.incl': line 137---> 'Avance.incl': line 138---> 'Avance.incl': line 139---> 'Avance.incl': line 140---> 'Avance.incl': line 141--->;$Id: Avance2.incl,v 2007/09/14 16:17:35 ber Exp $ 'hmqcf3phpr': line 18---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 19---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 20---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 21--->"p2=p1*2" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 22--->"d2=1s/(cnst2*2)" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 23--->"d11=30m" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 24--->"d12=20u" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 25--->"d13=4u" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 26---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 27---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 28--->"d0=3u" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 29---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 30--->"in0=inf1/2" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 31---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 32---> 'hmqcf3phpr': line 33, expanding de line 1--->define delay MCWRK 'hmqcf3phpr': line 33, expanding de line 2--->define delay MCREST 'hmqcf3phpr': line 33, expanding de line 3--->define loopcounter ST1CNT 'hmqcf3phpr': line 33, expanding de line 4--->"ST1CNT = td1 / (2)" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 33, expanding de line 5--->"MCWRK = 0.250000*d11" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 33, expanding de line 6--->"MCREST = d11 - d11" 'hmqcf3phpr': line 33, expanding de line 7---> dccorr 'hmqcf3phpr': line 33--->1 ze dur1 == line 186 fixdel(3000.000000 usec) EVENT-EOSZ ze1 'hmqcf3phpr': line 34, expanding st line 1--->2 MCWRK * 2 do:f3 dur2 == line 190 MCWRK * 2 channel 3: DO 'hmqcf3phpr': line 34, expanding st line 2--->LBLSTS1, MCWRK dur3 == line 191 MCWRK 'hmqcf3phpr': line 34, expanding st line 3--->LBLF1, MCWRK dur4 == line 192 MCWRK 'hmqcf3phpr': line 34, expanding st line 4---> MCREST dur5 == line 193 MCREST 'hmqcf3phpr': line 35--->3 d12 pl9:f1 dur6 == line 195 d12 channel 1: set power PL9 'hmqcf3phpr': line 36---> d1 cw:f1 ph29 dur7 == line 196 d1 channel 1: CW phase(29,0) PHBASE 'hmqcf3phpr': line 37---> d13 do:f1 dur8 == line 197 d13 channel 1: DO 'hmqcf3phpr': line 38---> d12 pl1:f1 dur9 == line 198 d12 channel 1: set power PL1 'hmqcf3phpr': line 39---> p1 ph1 dur10 == line 199 p1 phase(1,0) 'hmqcf3phpr': line 40---> d2 pl3:f3 dur11 == line 200 d2 channel 3: set power PL3 'hmqcf3phpr': line 41---> p21:f3 ph3 dur12 == line 201 p21 Pulse3 phase(3,0) 'hmqcf3phpr': line 42---> d0 dur13 == line 202 d0 'hmqcf3phpr': line 43---> p2 ph2 dur14 == line 203 p2 phase(2,0) 'hmqcf3phpr': line 44---> d0 dur15 == line 204 d0 'hmqcf3phpr': line 45---> p21:f3 ph4 dur16 == line 205 p21 Pulse3 phase(4,0) 'hmqcf3phpr': line 46---> d13 dur17 == line 206 d13 'hmqcf3phpr': line 47---> d2 pl16:f3 dur18 == line 207 d2 channel 3: set power PL16 'hmqcf3phpr': line 48---> go=2 ph31 cpd3:f3 Begin of PTList: lalign { dur19 == line 208 fixdel(2.000000 usec) dur20 == line 208 fixdel(4.500000 usec) ADCGO RCU 1 channel 1: SY receive phase(65,0) PHADDO PHREF phase(31,8) receive } { dur21 == line 208 fixdel(5.000000 usec) dur22 == line 208 fixdel(1.500000 usec) setNmr1: 0x200 } { dur23 == line 208 fixdel(6.000000 usec) dur24 == line 208 fixdel(0.500000 usec) setNmr1: 0x10100 phase(65,0) PHADDO PHREF } { dur25 == line 208 fixdel(2.000000 usec) dur26 == line 208 fixdel(4.500000 usec) setNmr1: 0x400 } { dur27 == line 208 de channel 3: CPD prog 2 (CPDPRG3)via ptr 0 dur28 == line 208 aq channel 1: CPDSNG prog 16 (CPDPRG17)via ptr 0 dur29 == line 208 fixdel(2500.000000 usec) dur30 == line 208 fixdel(500.000000 usec) clrNmr1: 0x30700 channel 1: Dwell off channel 1: SY transmit EVENT-EOSZ eos1 loop to 'hmqcf3phpr': line 34, expanding st line 1 times ns (ns+ds) } End of PTList 'hmqcf3phpr': line 49, expanding mc line 1---> MCWRK do:f3 wr #0 if #0 zd ip3 MCWRK ip29 'hmqcf3phpr': line 49, expanding mc line 2---> lo to LBLSTS1 times 2 dur31 == line 210 MCWRK channel 3: DO EVENT-EOSZ zd1 AQBUS-WR RCU 1 wrif 0 IRPTIPH 3 dur32 == line 210 MCWRK IRPTIPH 29 loop to 'hmqcf3phpr': line 34, expanding st line 2 times 2 'hmqcf3phpr': line 49, expanding mc line 3---> MCWRK id0 'hmqcf3phpr': line 49, expanding mc line 4---> lo to LBLF1 times ST1CNT dur33 == line 212 MCWRK EVENT-ID 0 loop to 'hmqcf3phpr': line 34, expanding st line 3 times l121 'hmqcf3phpr': line 49, expanding mc line 5---> MCWRK dur34 == line 214 MCWRK 'hmqcf3phpr': line 50--->exit 'hmqcf3phpr': line 51---> dur35 == line 216 fixdel(50000.000000 usec) dur36 == line 216 fixdel(10000.000000 usec) EVENT-EOSZ esc0 dur37 == line 216 fixdel(10000.000000 usec) phase program no. 65: Fraction: 4.000000 Increment: 0x4000 = 90.00 degrees 0: 0 = 0.00 degrees phase program no. 1: Fraction: 4.000000 Increment: 0x4000 = 90.00 degrees 0: 0 = 0.00 degrees phase program no. 2: Fraction: 4.000000 Increment: 0x4000 = 90.00 degrees 0: 0 = 0.00 degrees phase program no. 3: Fraction: 4.000000 Increment: 0x4000 = 90.00 degrees 0: 0 = 0.00 degrees 1: 0x8000 = 180.00 degrees phase program no. 4: Fraction: 4.000000 Increment: 0x4000 = 90.00 degrees 0: 0 = 0.00 degrees 1: 0 = 0.00 degrees 2: 0x8000 = 180.00 degrees 3: 0x8000 = 180.00 degrees phase program no. 29: Fraction: 4.000000 Increment: 0x4000 = 90.00 degrees 0: 0 = 0.00 degrees phase program no. 31: Fraction: 4.000000 Increment: 0x4000 = 90.00 degrees 0: 0 = 0.00 degrees 1: 0x8000 = 180.00 degrees 2: 0x8000 = 180.00 degrees 3: 0 = 0.00 degrees file list: ================================================= filename actlineno offset ================================================= hmqcf3phpr 1 1 Avance.incl 19 19 hmqcf3phpr 161 144 hmqcf3phpr expanding de 177 144 hmqcf3phpr 185 153 hmqcf3phpr expanding de 187 153 hmqcf3phpr 188 155 hmqcf3phpr expanding st 189 155 hmqcf3phpr 194 160 hmqcf3phpr expanding mc 209 160 hmqcf3phpr 215 166