Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank

A Repository for Data from NMR Spectroscopy on Proteins, Peptides, Nucleic Acids, and other Biomolecules
Member of WWPDB


Disease Protein BMRB entry
Acute myeloid leukemia AML1-ETO chimeric protein NHR3-PKA complex 16594
Core-binding factor ML1-ETO 7147
Histone H3 18385
Human K-Ras 18529
Nucleophosmin DNA-binding domain 18048
Adenocarcinoma Ca+2 binding protein S100A4 18169
B-cell Lymphoma B-cell lymphoma 6 protein - Hr4436B 17609
C2H2 type zinc finger of human B-cell lymphoma 6 protein 10157 10231
First zf-C2H2 domain from human B-cell lymphoma 6 protein 10306
Bladder cancer gp78 ligase CUE domain with polyubiquitin chains 18581 18582
gp78 ligase CUE domain / K48-Ub2 complex 18583 18584
Breast cancer Breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein 6114
Calmodulins C-lobe with ER alpha peptide 18084
Calmodulin N-lobe with ER alpha peptide 18082
Chemokine receptor CXCR1 18170
Human cyclin-D-binding transcription factor 1 18051
Human defensins 1 and 6 18634
LMO4-LIM1/CtlP complex 17265
Colorectal cancer First Sam domain of Odin 18134
H-Ras-GppNHp bound to Ras-binding domain of cRaf1 18169
Human K-Ras 18529
KRas171GNP 17785
Esophageal cancer Esophageal cancer-related gene 2 17719
Pick-1 PDZ domain fused to C10 DAT ligand 18522
Ewing's Sarcoma RanBP2-type ZnF 17133
Fibrosarcoma Ets variant 6 Q436 17741 17742
Insulinoma Insulinoma-associated protein 1 18551
Laryngeal cancer Bag-1 18416
Leukemia ANC1 homology domain (AHD) of AF9 18094
CrkL signaling protein 18321
Mixed lineage leukemia 5 18559
Monocytic leukemia zinc finger protein 18142
PCET motif peptide and the KIX domain 16851
PHD3 domain of MML 16983 16989
Liver cancer Monomeric DLC2 SAM domain 15060
Lung cancer Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 18353
Lymphoma Bcl-XL 18250
C-terminal DNA binding and dimerization domain of v-Myc 18580
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 18291
Melanoma Melanoma Inhibitor Activity protein 4731 5220
S100A-C85 mutant 18545
S100BE72A/CA complex 17061
Nephroblastoma Brain acid soluble protein 1 18417
Ovarian cancer Breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein 6114
Disabled-2 protein-derived peptide 18449
Pancreatic cancer Anterior gradient protein 2 18178 18179
Prostate cancer MMP23 Matrix Metalloprotease 15900
Renal cancer Stress-induced-phosphoprotein 1 STI1 18166
Rhabdomyosarcoma A band domain of Titin 19010 19011

Disease Nucleic Acid BMRB entry
Epithethial cancer DNA Mucin-1 aptamer 17129
Leukemia MLV readthrough pseudoknot 17601

Associated Human Genes

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